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Individualized Support

Each parolee has unique circumstances and requirements for successful reintegration. Our integrated support services can tailor assistance plans to meet the specific needs of each individual, ensuring they receive personalized support that maximizes their chances of success.



Optionsss, Outreach Ministires Inc., provides a diverse array of housing, training, counseling and fellowshiip programs designed to cultivate and enhance the essential skills needed for personal development employment readiness, leadership growth, and achieving success during the reintegration journey.



We offer supportive services that are grounded in values such as dignity, respect, and empowerment, treating individuals with acceptance, compassion and understanding. 



By offering personalized support plans tailored to the individual, we ensure that support is relevant and responsive to the specific circumstances of each person.



Accountability measures, such as monitoring and evaluation, help assess the efficacy and quality of our services. leading to enhanced service delivery and participant outcomes.

Giving Hope

Empowering the Formerly Incarcerated

Our Transitional Housing Program (THP) offers a residential environment that includes housing, meals, support services, resources, structured programming, and supervision in a safe and drug-free setting. Tailored to meet the specific needs of re-entering parolees, the program provides services such as employment assistance, job search and placement training, computer-supported literacy, and life skills training. 

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Continuity of Care

Transitioning from incarceration to the community can be a complex process, and continuity of care is essential to prevent gaps in support. Integrated support services provide ongoing assistance throughout the reintegration process, ensuring that parolees have access to the resources and support they need at every stage.  Contact us to learn how we can help.

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Tranisitional Housing 

Providing a bridge for individuals to achieve greater stability in their lives.

Outpatient Counseling

A collaborative approach in the development of personalized treatment plans.

Supported Employment

Tailored support and assistance to help clients obtain competitive employment.

Ministerial Outreach

Emphasizing themes of redemption, forgiveness, community and second chances.

Deep Expertise

Comprehensive Assistance

Parolees often face multiple challenges upon release, including housing, employment, healthcare, substance abuse, and mental health issues. Our integrated support services provide a one-stop-shop approach, offering a range of services to address these diverse needs comprehensively.

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